Monday, February 15, 2010

Wine Tasting @ Solvang, CA

"Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it."
I figured I'd start with a quote since yesterday was Valentine's day. :) The last time I went to Solvang was 7 years ago, nothing really changed in that little village except for maybe the ridiculously priced cookies!!! $3 each for a cookie that is a little bit bigger than a fortune cookie!!!

I don't drink wine but I really enjoyed wine tasting on Saturday. It wasn't the wine that I really enjoyed, it was the company of friends that I really enjoyed (awwww...). It doesn't really matter where we go, as long as I am with my friends, I am happy. -- I have a toothache now... this is so sweet.. haha..

Sometimes when I'm bored, I send my friends text messages that goes like this:
Me: Knock Knock
Them: Who's there?
Me: It's me...your friend, John.. I just wanted to let you know that i'll always be here for you. LMAO.

Click the link below to view my album

Wine Tasting @ Solvang

The pictures below are the ones that I really like:


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